Optimally, acupuncture works
in the same one-day-at-a-time rhythm as recovery, so the clinic is open
daily, and it is "barrier-free" in that clients can return at
a frequency of their own choosing.
Some mandated or "drug
court" programs prescribe the following phase guidelines for clients,
and these are recommended as a "rule of thumb" for establishing
recommended treatment frequency following the client's last use episode:
First 30 days: daily
Next 60 days: three times weekly
Next 90 days: twice weekly
To all of these should be added,
"or as needed," because clients will find their own rhythm as
they begin to stabilize.
Some very successful drug-free
detox programs provide the treatment twice daily (morning and late afternoon)
for persons in acute withdrawal from drugs like alcohol and opiates. And
increased treatment frequency is appropriately recommended for clients
who have a use episode, or who are experiencing severe post-acute withdrawal,
or prior to life situations that are likely to be stressful.
Requiring clients to increase
acupuncture frequency should never be used for punitive reasons!
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