As with any program changes,
staff buy-in and participation in the decision-making are important to
ultimate success. Please direct your front-line staff and supervisors
to this website, and feel free to download and reproduce any of the materials
and articles. It might be a good strategy to designate a representative
committee of your program staff to do an informal "feasibility study."
The book Transformation
and Recovery provides detailed information on administrative and
budget planning, as well as recommended community outreach.
The National
Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) Clearinghouse provides
an abundance of articles, tapes, and videos on a wide range of related
topics in their online bookstore to assist your program in making the
NADA Registered Trainers will
be providing the special training that will be required of the people
who perform the acupuncture, and these individuals are also available
to your program on a pre-training consultation basis. For the trainer
nearest you, check their on-line list
or call (888) 765-NADA.
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